Beat by Beat: A Cheat Sheet for Screenwriters
by Todd Klick

Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau

Second Act Made Easy

Most screenwriting books define concepts like the inciting incident, turning points, climax, and so on.

But Beat by Beat: A Cheat Sheet for Screenwriters by Todd Klick goes one step further. It gives you the content of any successful film (critically and publicly acclaimed), whatever its genre, minute by minute!

Most screenwriters, when they start writing a script, usually have the beginning and the end, and sometimes a couple of turning points, but that’s about it. And writing everything that is comprised between the first act and the final act can often become a struggle.

Thanks to Beat by Beat, this is the end of the struggle. All you have to do is go to the corresponding minute and figure out what its essence is. And then you apply it to your own screenplay and write the corresponding page.

This is a must read if you are a professional screenwriter (or an aspiring one) who has already struggled with finding the meat of your story, that is, anything comprised between the beginning and the end of your screenplay.

Link to the page of the book.

Biography of Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau