Adam Cziboly
Adam Cziboly is a psychologist, a cultural manager and a drama teacher.
Currently he is co-CEO of InSite Drama. He was project manager of 14 larger international projects and another approx. 150 smaller projects in the past ten years as the strategic leader of Káva Drama/Theatre in Education Association.
He led a Comenius Multilateral Project called “DICE” with the participation of 12 countries, the first in-depth research into the impact of drama and theatre education methods on Lisbon key competencies.
He worked in the field of advocacy for drama education both in Hungary and at EU level in Brussels. He has organized and also participated in master classes of drama education, facilitated drama projects and trainings for organizations as well.
DICE – The impact of Educational Drama and Theatre on Key Competences. p-e-r-f-o-r-m-a-n-c-e 2 (1-2).