New Earth

Tattfoo Tan

To Cite this Contribution

Tan, T. (2016). New Earth. p-e-r-f-o-r-m-a-n-c-e, 3.


We are in performance everyday, we put on our battle gear in suits, make up and our medals in the form of watches, jewelry and designer handbag. As an artist I like to put on my own uniform when I activate my trilogy of projects and wear the below attire accordingly. I feel different and settle in the role of each of the project mission. Below is the mission of my project New Earth and a forth coming book New Earth Resiliency Training Module published by Philadelphia Mural Arts Program.

New Earth is finding the extraordinary within the ordinary

New Earth is good for figuring out life

New Earth: Art is something humans do on purpose

New Earth objects, tools and games serve a pedagogical function helping us to be conscious

New Earth: Thought itself is a form of energy, thought influences energy and energy influences thought

New Earth is learning from history in order to move forward into the future 



New Earth Resiliency Training Module is a program that teaches an ethos of self reliance and of living closer to the earth, especially within an urban environment. Drawing upon its surrounding resources, it treats the city as a catalyst for building relations with various neighborhoods and communities. The program strengthens the resiliency of the neighborhood by activating young people and equipping them with skills, knowledge, and an adaptive world view. It also empowers youth by treating them as authorities of their own environment. Studying folk craft and tracing the genesis of ideas, objects and beliefs is an effort to re-wilding ourselves.

Biography of Tattfoo Tan