Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau
I am very happy and proud to present the journal p-e-r-f-o-r-m-a-n-c-e. This journal, I dreamed it a few years ago. I wanted to create a journal in France that deals with the field of performance studies and the performing and visual arts, that is international and multilingual. I also wanted a journal that makes the bridge between artists and researchers, in which artists and researchers could participate, each with their own way of expressing themselves and speaking about their work. I wanted a journal that also connects practice and research. I wanted a journal that crosses various disciplines (aesthetics, philosophy of art, art history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis, etc.) and various arts (performance, theater, dance, music, cinema, visual arts, etc.). I wanted this journal to be online to make it possible to include in the contributions some photos, and some audio and video files. And I wanted this journal to be freely available.
It’s done! And an enterprise of this magnitude would not have been possible without the contributions of many individuals and institutions. A big thank you first of all to Ludivine Allegue, who built and co-edited with me the first issue of the journal, who immediately accepted generously to be part of the editorial board of the journal, despite all the work involved in getting a journal out. Thank you to Allen S. Weiss, who immediately agreed to write a beautiful editorial for the first issue. Thank you to all those who contributed as authors to all the issues, who trusted us and have offered some great contributions. Thank you to all those who agreed to review all the contributions, and allowed each author to go further in its thinking and improve its proposal. Thank you to all those who agreed to be part of the Scientific Committee and assist the artistic and scientific development of the journal over time. And thank you to the translators, who make the contributions accessible to the greatest number of people. It is thanks to these people that this journal exists today. And I am convinced that many others will join us as this great adventure continues. It is certainly my greatest wish. Thank you also to our tutelary institutions that support us in various ways. And I thank in advance any institution that will bring us its support in the future. Such an undertaking can only be sustainable with ongoing support, whether human or financial, and possibly both!
I wish you a nice discovery of the journal. And if this journal pleases you, then please tell us by sending a message to It’s always nice. And most of all, join us so that we can prolonge this great adventure together and make it last!